Click Here to search for books we have in our library - and best of all - request them!
You can search for books utilizing any of the drop-down menu options at the top of the page. However, the first three are the most common: ‘all words’, ‘title’ or ‘author’ search. Of these, “All words” is a keyword search and usually the best place to start.
When you find the book you want look on the right side of the page for the word “Available”. If there is a 0 the book is currently NOT available. If there is a ‘1’ or higher the book is available! Click on the “Request hold” button and fill out the form. I will get the request and check the book out to your child.
**Search tips
- You don’t need to include ‘the’, ‘a’, or other articles in your search. For instance, if you want the book, “If you give a mouse a brownie”, simply enter ‘mouse’ and ‘brownie’ and you will have success!!!!
- You can also enter the author name in keyword search. So if you wanted the book “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens simply enter ‘cities’ and ‘dickens’ and it will appear!!!!