Student Life Athletics
Cross Country Running

Elementary Cross Country

Coach: Mr. Scott Martens


The CCS Cross Country Team is great for students who are looking for a challenge. Whether you’re a beginner or already love to run, cross country is for you. It’s a great way to improve your fitness, enjoy nature and meet people.  About once a week, students from all around Moose Jaw will gather to compete in an outdoor run. The atmosphere is fun and encouraging. All skill levels are welcome. This year we are excited to be able to include grades 9-12 in the Cross Country Team!  While we would love to have everyone at every practice and meet, I know it may not always be possible to attend. Cross Country is quite flexible since it is, to a large degree, an individual sport. If you have any questions, contact Scott Martens: click HERE.

Practice and Meet Schedule:


Tuesday, September10 – Practice at CCS Field 3:30-4:00

 Thursday, September 12 - Cross Country Meet 1 @ Sunningdale (Grade 4-8) 4:00

 Monday, September 16 - Rouleau Cross Country Meet 3:30 (Grade 4-12) 3:30

 Monday October 23 – Practice at CCS Field 3:30-4:00

 Wednesday, September 25 - Wakamow Invitational @ Wakamow (Grade 4-12) 4:00

 Monday, September 30 – Practice at CCS Field 3:30

 Wednesday, September 2 Cross Country Districts @ Wakamow (Grade 9-12) 4:00

 Monday, October 7 – Practice at CCS Field 3:30-4:00

 Wednesday, October 9 - Cross Country City finals @ Sunningdale (Grade 4-8) 4:00