Student Life Dress Code
Dress Code Image

Dress Code

The way that students, staff, and volunteers dress has an impact on the tone of the school; therefore, all are expected to dress appropriately for their particular roles. Cornerstone’s standard of dress and appearance aims to demonstrate that it is a place of business. The dress code is in effect during the school day, during extracurricular activities, class field trips, and any other school related function that may happen in or out of the school. It is noted that not every possible scenario can be predicted and detailed in a dress code. Therefore, staff reserves the right to address a concern which is not specified in the dress code. Common sense shall prevail. We acknowledge that our guidelines may be viewed as too strict by some and not strict enough by others. Our families come from diverse backgrounds and have differing beliefs around issues like modesty and appropriate dress. Our guidelines are designed with this diversity in mind and strive to be within a reasonable middleground. For the complete dress code, please click on the downloadable document below. 

Dress Code
As at Sept 29, 2022
Download (177KB)